Transforming Austin's Landscape: The HOME Initiative Paves the Way for Innovative Housing Solutions

The HOME Initiative in Austin is a two-phase land development code reform that allows up to three housing units on single-family lots, reduces minimum lot sizes, and adjusts zoning regulations to improve housing affordability

The HOME (Housing Options for Middle-Income Empowerment) Initiative in Austin, Texas, consists of two phases that significantly alter housing regulations to address affordability and increase housing options.

Phase 1 (Adopted December 7, 2023)

  • Allows up to three housing units, including tiny homes, on single-family (SF-1, SF-2, SF-3) zoned properties.

  • Revises regulations for properties with two housing units.

  • Removes restrictions on the number of unrelated adults living in a housing unit.

  • Exempts two-unit and three-unit residential uses from Subchapter F (McMansion) regulations.

Phase 2 (Adopted May 16, 2024)

  • Reduces minimum lot size from 5,750 square feet to 1,800 square feet for single-family homes.

  • Introduces "small lot single-family residential use" category for lots between 1,800 and 5,750 square feet.

  • Allows placement of one prefabricated or manufactured unit on single-family properties, in addition to existing site-built homes.

  • Implements Density Bonus 90 (DB90) for commercial districts, encouraging affordable housing development.

Impact on Homeowners and Architect

For Homeowners:

Increases options for property development, including adding units or subdividing lots.

Potentially lowers barriers to homeownership due to smaller, more affordable lots.

Allows for greater flexibility in property use and development.

May impact property values, with potential for both increases and decreases depending on location and market dynamics.

For Architects:

Provides new design opportunities for smaller lots and multi-unit properties.

Requires adaptation to new zoning regulations and design standards.

Offers potential for more diverse and innovative housing designs.

At M41 Studio, we're excited about these new possibilities for residential development! If you're considering building additional dwelling units or designing a new home, we would love to help bring your vision to life. Our team specializes in creating innovative designs that align with Austin's evolving housing landscape.

Reach out to us today to discuss your project ideas and explore how we can collaborate to create your dream space. Let’s work together to make the most of this exciting opportunity in Austin’s housing market!

Additional Reading:


Understanding SB2038: Opportunities for Landowners in Austin's ETJ


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